Unfortunately, we will not be able to host the recording of the webinar for view on demand. This was by the direct request of the Department of Commerce. Instead, we will have the notes of the webinar, along with some referenced material for members down below. Please be on the lookout for future webinars on this topic coming up in the near future.
Additional Resources & Surveys
- This is the active Federal Register Notice where The Department of Commerce is seeking industry input relative to semiconductor fund planning efforts: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/01/24/2022-01305/incentives-infrastructure-and-research-and-development-needs-to-support-a-strong-domestic
- This is the blog post outlining the results from the semiconductor supply chain disruption RFI: Results from Semiconductor Supply Chain Request for Information | U.S. Department of Commerce
- Press Release on semiconductor supply chain disruption RFI results: Commerce Semiconductor Data Confirms Urgent Need for Congress to Pass U.S. Innovation and Competition Act | U.S. Department of Commerce
Friday, March 4, 2022   9:00 – 10:00am CST
Laura O’Neill / Director of Public Engagement / Department of Commerce
Ms. O’Neill acts as the liaison between the Department of Commerce, industry and private businesses, focusing on what the DoC is doing to address the semiconductor supply chain situation.
She presented the background and current status of the CHIPS Act, what it means for the semiconductor industry, why it is important to the success of our industry, and the implications of the Act, should it pass. She explained the two bills, the USICA and America Competes Act of 2022, that Congress has pass and what needs to be done moving forward.
Key Takeaways
USICA and America Competes Act of 2022
- The Senate USICA (US Innovation and Competition Act) bill and the House version, America Competes Act both have been passed with bipartisan support. The CHIPS Act is part of both bills.
- Next stage is called the Conference stage, where the USICA and COMPETES bill will negotiate a resolution to produce a compromised version of both bills.
- Difficult to predict how long the conference stage will take and when the final bill will be signed and assigned to the Department of Commerce to start acting.
Department of Commerce activities in Semiconductors
- Secretary Gina Raimondo is 100% supporting the CHIPS ACT.
- DoC is looking at the overall semiconductor supply chain and is studying if the government can get involved in managing the supply chain. DoC will be reaching out to industry leaders to discuss.
- Workforce development is an area that is challenging the industry and a key area that the CHIPS Act will have impact.
- DoC is looking at ways to allocate the funds in a smart way to unlock private investments and further boost the industry.
- Focusing on making the whole US semiconductor talent pipeline more robust with cooperation at the university level by developing a stronger infrastructure to better educate students of the semiconductor industry.
- DoC is already working with foreign governments and companies in conjunction with the CHIPS Act. How the Chip Act applies to foreign entities is to be determined.
Next Steps / Action Items
- Ms O’Neill to provide GSA with DoC survey results of the supply chain issue.
- DoC planning to conduct follow up survey on how to allocate funds of the CHIPS Act
- Plan to host follow up webinar after legislation is in place and in the hands of the DoC.