WLI Survey FAQ
What is the vision of the GSA Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI)?
“Apply the spirit of Moore’s Law, which catapulted innovation by doubling the performance of electronics, to significantly increase the number of women in leadership roles in the industry, the capital dedicated to women-led start-ups, and the number of STEM-focused female candidates joining the industry.”
What type of data will the survey collect?
The survey focuses on the company statistics, policies, and processes regarding recruitment, retention, and career advancement of women in technical roles in the semiconductor industry.
What is the intent of the survey?
In addition to providing an update to the current state of women in the semiconductor industry, this survey will help WLI leaders to identify gaps and to direct initiatives to improve recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the semiconductor industry.
Why should I participate?
As an added benefit, participants and their respective organizations will receive a summary highlighting the findings of this global survey with the intent to provide diversity insights on an industry level. View the brief 2022 survey results.
Who should participate in the survey?
The teams or titles we feel would be best qualified to complete the survey are:
- Chief HR Officer
- Chief Cultural Officer
- Diversity Team
Who do I contact to participate in the survey?
Contact the WLI team.
What is the timeline of the survey?
The survey is expected to open in late Q2 and the results will be provided in late Q3.
How will my information be used?
All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Results will only be reported in aggregate and will not be attributed to you or your company.
What if I do not have the requested information?
Each question requires an answer before submission. However, each question includes an optional comment box that may be used to notify the Survey Solutions Team if the question does not apply. Alternatively, surveyees may forward the survey link to another contact within their company that is capable of providing more accurate responses such as those with titles mentioned above.
What else does the WLI offer?
Visit the Get Involved page to find other active projects, programs, and information including the WLI white paper Doubling Women in Semiconductor Leadership.